Abans Global Arbitrage Fund

Fund Snapshot

  • Target Return of 7.00-9.00%p.a.
  • Monthly Liquidity
  • Capture arbitrage opportunities across commodities and currencies traded on global exchanges
  • Delivering attractive returns by capitalizing on arbitrage opportunities
  • Mauritius Domiciled, Share Class of our FSC Regulated Fund
Fund Attributes
Domicile Mauritius
Investment Manager Abans Investment Manager Mauritius
Fund Administrator Apex Fund Services (Mauritius) Ltd.
Structure Open Ended
Currency USD
Minimum Initial Subscription USD 100,000
Minimum Subsequent Subscription USD 10,000
Dealing Frequency Monthly
Redemption Notice on or before 25th of the month prior to the relevant Dealing Day
Lock-in Period None
Exit Fees None
Fund Performance

Objective and Strategy

Investment Objective

The objective of the Fund is to generate consistent returns from arbitrage transactions across Commodities and Currencies traded on global exchanges. By continuously monitoring market conditions and executing trades with precision, the objective is to minimize risk and maximize profitability across diverse financial markets.

Investment Strategy

The Fund predominantly invests in arbitrage opportunities in different markets to exploit tiny differences in the prices of exchange traded derivatives. The Fund invests in arbitrage/hedging opportunities between and amongst spot and futures prices of exchange traded securities as well as in the arbitrage/hedging opportunities available within options, futures, forwards and other derivatives whether on securities, commodities and foreign exchange as long as they fall within specified global limits. The inefficiencies in the global market may give rise to opportunities for arbitrage resulting in a potential profit for the fund.

Our Funds

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